Friday, July 17, 2020

How Dental Alternatives to Crowns Can Make Your Smile Healthier

Contact My Boca Dentist for painless and natural-looking dental alternatives to crowns and learn how our leading-edge technology and patient focus will improve your smile and your oral health.

Your smile lights up your face. But when you feel self-conscious about your facial appearance, you may not want to show your teeth. You may appear less expressive. And you may lose confidence in social settings. At My Boca Dentist, we don’t want you to be casualty to neglected oral hygiene. At the forefront of technology, Drs. Maxine and Amanda Sindledecker have the knowledge, training, progressive equipment and state-of-the-art facilities to offer the best dental alternatives to crowns that can improve the health and aesthetics of your teeth and your smile. We work with our patients throughout the entire process to ensure successful outcomes in the safest, cleanest and gentlest medical environment. Our complete smile makeover maximizes your oral health.

How is this possible? Our varied dental procedures are trusted success stories with amazing before-and- after results for our patients. For example, if a tooth is not completely compromised, a viable solution instead of a crown may be an inlay or an overlay, and patients do not need to fear complications. In this case, not only does the inlay or overlay increase the strength of the natural tooth because it its bonded directly onto the surface. And best of all, they last up to 30 years. All of this takes place with only two appointments in the comfort of our modern office. From bridgework to Invisalign to bonding, veneers, fillings, family oral health check-ups and our facial rejuvenation programs that include Botox treatments, our family dentistry practice has something for everyone’s smile. Our doctors’ credentials are superior and include distinguished national and state memberships, as well as accreditation. And their equipment—ranging from digital scanners to laser treatments are leading edge. Contact us today to set up a virtual or in-person smile consultation or chat online to request help. Our services can be life-changing.